Wellness Poems


There’s a Prayer and a Recipe

an Antidote and Hacks

There are Protocols to help control

how your heart and mind reacts


There are Ways to Wealth and Wellness

and a Path of Thanks to find

and Stories of Creation

that will tantalise your mind.

  • man in nature feeling wellness

    Prayer to Space

    “Prayer to Space” is expressed as a ‘wave’ that embodies the 5 rhythms of flowing, staccato, chaos, lyrical and stillness. Between the opening and closing verses are three verses devoted to each rhythm and its associated body part, emotion and essence.

  • man in nature feeling wellness

    Recipe for Wellness

    After more than 40 years studying medicine and researching wellness, I’ve come to the conclusion that wellness is simple and can be achieved by following a simple recipe.

  • child embracing the world

    Antidote to Fear

    Fear or love: good wolf or bad wolf: which one will you feed? Rather than give into fear or fighting what we don’t want, we can focus on the things we do want, be the change we want to see, and spread good will and joy.

  • cartoon with hacks to relax

    10 Hacks to Relax

    These 10 simple body hacks serve as emotional first aid and allow you to relax on demand any time you feel scared, anxious, upset or in pain.

  • 20 Essential Sugar Hacks

    These 20 Essential Sugar Hacks help reduce blood sugar spikes and thereby help regulate your mood, energy levels, and inflammation.

  • Food Hacks

    Feasting and Fasting Food Hacks

    Feasting and fasting can be used to achieve a healthy balanced diet that maximises nutrients, diversity and enjoyment while minimising toxicity.

  • Extreme Wellness

    Extreme Wellness Protocol

    The Extreme Wellness Protocol builds physiological and psychological resilience by practicing being relaxed under stress, and then relaxing while you are comfortable and actively do nothing.

  • Extreme Bathing Protocol

    The Extreme Bathing Protocol along with the Common Sense Safety Protocol enable you to master your mind and body and enhance your resilience by safely navigating you through contrast bathing and extremes of hot and cold.

  • Common Sense Bathing Safety Protocol

    Heat is a powerful force with the potential to either harm or help. The best approaches alternate hot and cold exposure and ensure you stay hydrated and actively rest.

  • Cold Water Hokey Pokey Protocol

    The Cold Water Hokey Pokey Protocol lets you enjoy taking a cold shower and start your day singing and dancing and feeling vibrant and ready for anything. The hardest part is the decision to do it!

  • Daily Wellness Protocol

    A protocol to to help control how your heart and mind reacts. Following this Daily Wellness Protocol along with The Recipe for Wellness will lead to a long, happy and healthy life.

  • The Way to Wealth: Bitcoin Rules

    The Way to Wealth: Bitcoin Rules

    These are the Ten Golden Rules of Bitcoin that provide a guide for both wellness and wealth.

  • The Way to Wellness

    Fifty evidence-based activities that require very little cost, training or equipment and will take you from wired and tired to chilled and fulfilled, and from stressed and depressed to joyfully blessed.

  • The Beautiful Mare and the Boy Who Gave Thanks

    This retelling of an ancient parable shows the power of equanimity and how being open to discovery and going with the flow uncovers ‘blessings in disguise’, and leads to a life of gratitude, joy and love.

  • Bing & Bang Begin - A Creation Story

    Bing and Bang Begin is an enchanted creation story in the style of Dr Suess that tells how Love created Everything and takes you on a magical journey through eastern cosmology, thermodynamics, evolution and quantum theory.

  • The Story of Water

    The story of water tells how the hottest and coldest waters in the solar system joined to form liquid water on earth and how the hottest and coldest water on earth then became the matrix of life that drives evolution and turned water into you.