Common Sense Bathing Protocol
Wellness Poem by Dr Marc
Heat is a powerful force with the potential to either harm or help.
The best approaches alternate hot and cold exposure with relaxing in a thermo-neutral environment and ensure you stay hydrated and actively rest. Use the following protocol to help ensure a safe and enjoyable bathing experience.
Stay hydrated with good quality water. Adding a pinch of salt, a dash of vinegar or electrolytes to your water can aid in hydration. This is particularly important in hot weather, or when bathing in hot water, especially if outdoors.
Take care:
Hot water, hot surfaces and steam can burn or scald, sudden changes in posture can cause dizziness or fainting, and wet surfaces can be slippery. Prolonged bathing can lead to skin irritation or dehydration and recent wounds require special attention to prevent infection, irritation, or delayed healing.
Tune in:
Use comfort as a guide to safe limits. Stay within your comfort zone and enjoy relaxation induced by thermal comfort and ‘forced mindfulness’ induced by temperature extremes. Pay attention to any discomfort or warning signs such as lightheadedness, weakness, or nausea.
Be aware:
Heat tolerance varies widely and the very young or elderly require extra caution to prevent being chilled or overheated. Don’t go beyond being 'comfortably uncomfortable’ and avoid extremes of temperature if you are not feeling well or are impaired by drugs or alcohol.
Allow your body come back into balance and spend as much time resting as you spend in extremes of temperatures. Enjoy cooling down when hot and warming up when cold and explore the blissful state of thermal balance and the enhanced relaxation and sleep that follows.