Beautiful Water, Home Water Filter Systems
integrate multiple filtration methods with technologies to:
💦 enhance water structure
💦 naturally balance its pH, and mineral content
💦 imbue water with conscious intention through designs that elicit positive emotions and evoke alchemic forces, sacred geometry and subliminal blessings.
Home Water Filter Systems
Eliminate 99.99% Toxins
Electrical charges completely cover the inside of each small pore, and create overlapping high-tension electrical fields that destroy viruses and other microbes.
Remove Heavy Metals
Completely removes lead, copper, manganese, iron and traces of heavy metal toxicity, and has been also shown to remove radioactive material!
Remove Chlorine
Activated with carbon and ion-exchange to effectively remove chlorine, disinfection byproducts, turbidity, coloration, foreign odours and tastes
Extremely Fast Flow Rate
Our whole house system can provide enough filtered water to have 3 showers and a kitchen dishwasher working at once!
Reduce Scale Formation
Remove sediment and scale, ensuring your household appliances, surfaces, skin and hair are protected from mineral deposition and build up of scale.
Hot & Cold Water
Can be used for delicate mechanical filtering of hot water, removing all suspended particles and protecting household systems/

About Our Home Water Filters
By having a Whole Home water filter installed, you can enjoy the benefits of clean, freshly filtered water at every water outlet in your home. Our system is installed by a plumber, and will make sure to professionally connect the filtration system to your main water pipe, and you can rest assured knowing that all of the raw tap water that enters your home has been filtered. Not only will this improve your family's health and wellbeing, but you'll also save money by not having to buy bottled water, as well as helping the environment by reducing the amount of plastic bottles in landfills.
Our Home Water Filter Systems use multiple filtration methods including:
mechanical filtration
activated carbon
direct absorption
electric adsorption
a patented ion-exchange media that includes bacteriostatic silver to reduce microbial contamination.
These technologies remove chlorine and it’s disinfection by-products, pesticides, PFAS, pharmaceutical residues, volatile organic compounds, micro plastics and other endocrine disrupting and obesogenic compounds, as well as heavy metals, radioactive isotopes and sediment down to 0.5 microns. They also eliminate microbial contamination including viruses, spores, cysts and bacteria thereby making water microbiologically safe without boiling.
The pressure created in the filter matrix has a natural softening effect that turns scale-forming calcite into the more soluble aragonite that does not form mineral deposits or scale. This leaves important minerals in place and creates a naturally soft, alkaline water that allows soaps to lather and clean more effectively.
Beautiful Water prevents the build-up of detergent residues, mineral deposits and scale on your skin, hair, equipment and surroundings and saves money by reducing the need for soaps and detergents and extends the life and efficiency of your kettles, water heaters, shower heads and other appliances and creates cleaner surfaces and cleaner healthier skin and hair.
The Beautiful Water Systems naturally balances the pH of water by removing toxic acidic chemicals and naturally expelling carbon dioxide. These systems also retain natural minerals creating water with a more balanced ionic structure.
The thought, intention and blessings contained within our designs and the unique combination of ancient wisdom and advanced science in our technology turns Beautiful Water Systems into sacred water vessels.
The water flows freely rather than being contained in a tank … just like in nature.
Endorsed by leading global epidemiology and toxicity labs.

Frequently Asked Questions
will filter around 300,000 litres (depending on the quality of the source water) which will last an average family of 5 for around 1 year or more.
Unlike other systems which can let contaminants through when they are at the end of their useful life, Beautiful Water ion-exchange/eco-polymer filter cartridges do not release contaminants when they are full, instead when the cartridge needs replacement, they simply reduce the pressure of the water being delivered. Therefore, rather than replace the cartridge based on a yearly schedule or the volume of water filtered, you can replace the cartridge based on the actual condition of the cartridge, which will be related to the quality of source water used and the volume of water filtered.
Alternatively you can clean and regenerate the cartridge using a simple protocol that involves flushing the filter cartridge with citric acid and bicarb soda. This can regenerate around 80-90% of the filter cartridge capacity, thereby saving you money by delaying the purchase of a new cartridge.
Beautiful Water Systems use multiple filtration methods including mechanical filtration, direct absorption, ion-exchange and activated carbon and they will remove heavy metals, pesticides, PFAS, pharmaceutical residues, volatile organic compounds, micro plastics and microbial contamination including viruses, spores and bacteria and chlorine and its disinfection by-products. They do not remove fluoride.
While fluoride is neurotoxic in high doses, it creates such a small ion that the only technologies that can effectively remove it are distillation, reverse osmosis and activated alumina. These technologies however have very slow flow rates, waste a lot of water and require a lot of maintenance.
Reverse Osmosis systems do not filter water at a rate suitable for bathing and therefore require a storage tank. They also waste a lot of water, require regular maintenance and leave your water devoid of essential minerals and structure.
If you use a Reverse Osmosis system it is recommended that you remineralise the water using ceramic beads or other method and restructure your water with a device such as the Beautiful Water Enhancer.
The filters are fitted into the standard water mains and can be easily removed, and taken with you when you move. It is recommended that fitting is done by a plumber or handyman comfortable with connecting standard mains pressure plumbing fittings.
Yes, our water filter systems work well for these water sources.
The countertop system simply connects to your kitchen tap and can be connected and removed very easily and does not require access to pipework.
No, when it is time to replace your water filter cartridge, the water flow rate will simply slow down. Then you can either purchase a replacement filter or you can clean and regenerate it yourself.

Customer Reviews
I love my Beautiful Water Filter, it is beautiful to look at, and I am so impressed with the quality of the drinking water!
Susan M
Great customer service, and a great innovative water filter system. I had been researching water filters for some time, and was so relieved to have found this great product
Chris J
I've noticed such a difference with my hair and skin, I did not expect that ... I purchased the water filter system focused on improving the drinking water for my family.
Jane W
Peninsula Hot Springs chooses Beautiful Water Systems for all its drinking fountains.