
Human Consumption of Agricultural Toxicants from Organic and Conventional Food.

Oates, L, Cohen, M, (2009) Journal of Organic Systems. 4 (1) p48-57


Over the past 60 years both the number of agricultural toxicants in use and rates of toxin-related diseases have increased dramatically, and countless studies attest to a link between the two. While data from residue surveys confirms higher levels of toxicants in conventionally farmed produce, few studies directly assess
whether consuming organic produce results in a reduction in pesticide exposure in humans or confers any health benefits. Future research needs to confirm whether and to what extent agricultural toxicant levels vary between consumers of organic and conventional produce before attempting to draw any conclusions about
the potential health implications of such differences.


Reduction in Pesticides in Adults after 1 Week Organic Diet


Assessing Diet As a Modifiable Risk Factor for Pesticide Exposure